Friday, January 21, 2005


Okay guys. Let me get this straight.

I'm sure we all have friends who call themselves "bading". Actually, they admit that they are not straight. "Ayoko ko ngang maging straight." Admitting so, they agree that they are somewhat "distorted" or "curved" - not straight. They know that they are in the wrong but willfully remain in the wrong.

There are some who have "come out" but still want to pray or to praise God. How can they praise God fully when their bodies don't glorify God? How do our bodies praise God? By taking care of it and using them according to how God had designed them. God had made man and woman, and no man-slash-woman.

So how should a good Christian, a Catholic, deal with these people? Definitely, we won't be helping them with tolerance. It will just give them the impression that they are accepted by society, that their way of behaving is the norm. A good Catholic will not fear being with people with a distorted view of their gender. A good Catholic would be good friends with a homosexual. He/She will try to understand this new found friend and try to help him/her to live and behave according to how God had really created them.

They need the help of good Catholics. We cannot be homophobics. Who else will help them, but us.

I don't have the time and space to explain my point but you might want to visit the EWTN Library for a series of articles that discuss the problem thoroughly. I can be only available for questions after you've read the articles there. I also have a link on my side bar for a support group for homosexuals. They have good testimonies of homosexuals who have gone straight but not necessarily heterosexual.

Enjoy the read.

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