Wednesday, June 29, 2005

June 29, 2005 and finding boyfriends

If you read my previous blogs, I think you'd like to browse through my February 2005 archives for it, my generous father gave me an ultimatum to get married by June 30, 2005. Today is already June 29 and tomorrow will already be June 30. Am I getting married yet? NOT! First of all, I don't have any boyfriend yet nor a decent suitor to consider. (My suitors don't persevere in their wooing me because I am really one hard nut to crack!)

Some tips: Precisely, being a hard nut to crack, if you are able to even scratch my surface for a superficial "wound" then you are likely to be a candidate. For a guy to become my friend is already a headstart. But if you stop, like what's-his-name did, I am not sure if I can give you a second chance.

Girls, look for men who are persevering in their pursuit. Even if you think he is ugly, I know of several friends who gave in to a persevering suitor and are now happily married or happily engaged. :)

And another thing, girls, RESPECT. Don't give in to a guy who will not respect you. You will know if the guy respects you when he does not make moves or "chances" to be physical with you. True love goes beyond what is physical. Love is shown in one's control of one's sexual instinct -- this is respect. If he cannot stop himself, better think twice. He does not love you for who you are but he is in love with how you look. Beat that!

Epilogue to Sadness

You must be wondering what bothered me a few days back when I wrote a poem on sadness. Yes I was sad and I still consider myself sad. I cannot deny that reality, but I cannot afford to reflect it in my public life. I also have my own "Green Mountain" to escape to. I guess I just have a knack for forgetting easily. It's a talent.

What saddens me is my strong sympathy for those who are in trouble, specifically a really close friend of mine.

I am not quite sure if you have already felt the same way as I do now, but I am sure you can empathize with me. I have a friend stricken with depression. Period. I cannot go beyond this statement anymore.

Just a word of advice: Don't become emotional vampires. An emotional vampire sucks out all the negative emotions of another to the point that the "vampire" feels the same emotions as the other. We have to be strong for our friend. Empathy is good, but strength lies on the other end. Remember, too, that we do not have the solution for everything and we cannot fully blame ourselves for every wrong that happens; otherwise, we'll fall into self-pity, and dive into a depression ourselves.

Smile people!

I am just blabbing here. But I got to blab for my sanity. :)

Ahhh... Teaching

I've been teaching in DLS-C for two weeks now and I could say that it's a pretty exciting two weeks. Let me recap the excitement for you:

1. Getting to know my students and learn how to handle them (actually this is in progress).
2. Experimenting on my loosening up and see how I can manage to keep my authority intact.
3. So far, so good on my deadlines. (Whew! I thought I could not manage.)
4. The Board just asked me to be part of the Marketing Committee of the School. (My superior justified this "appointment" by saying to the Board that I am articulate! Bwahaha! How many people have I fooled?!)
5. Discovering the quirks and funny bones of my colleagues. :D
6. I am still motivated to work.
7. My Level Coordinator missed my classroom observation since there was a parent who came that prevented her from observing my class. But I told her she could come anytime. :P (Actually, that was foolish of me to invite her!!! Aargh!)
8. My club, I think, is going smoothly. Though my members would probably beg to disagree. :O I hope not though. :P

Yup, so that summarizes it.

I do miss blogging though... I am losing my momentum in expressing my thoughts with ease. :( I need to blog more often than every two weeks. Ciao!

Saturday, June 25, 2005


Perhaps it doesn't show
But the sea inside me
Is disturbed by your sadness

You were jolly and gay
It is you I admire
For your total self-giving

What triggered it, my friend?
Is it my ignorance?
Is it the world's injustice?

I wish I could see you
To hug you, to cheer you
But restraint right now is best

For you and for me
Through prayers I'll go
Hugging you, cheering you.