Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Want to get married?

Getting married is not just a different level of falling in love. Marriage is a covenant between the couple and God. A covenant is not just a contract. A contract may be binding but there are provisions for it. A covenant doesn't have any provisions. It's a once and for all thing.

Now, know this, are you just going to marry just anyone? Of course not. Careful deliberation (using both your heart and mind) has to be made.

I prepared a list of questions for you to ask yourself before making that "BIG LEAP" of faith in binding yourself with another person before God:

1. Is your loved one willing to subject his/her preferences to yours when necessary? Are you?
2. Are both you open to having a lot of children?
3. Are you getting married for the heck of getting married?
4. Are you getting married because you just want to make sure that your loved one is for you forever?
5. Are you getting married because you see yourself living with him/her under the same roof with a lot of children to take care of?
6. Do you know the defects of your loved one as well as her good points? After knowing her defects, do you accept all of them and are you willing to put up with these defects until death do you part?
7. Will he/she be a good father/mother to your children?
8. Is he/she prayerful? God-fearing?
9. If you're the guy, do you have a job that can support a big family? If none yet, do you have the motivation to work hard to accommodate the fruits of your love?
10. Are both of you willing to make the mother/wife stay at home to take care of your children when the necessity arises?

Anyway, these are just questions which can help spark some principles in you. They are not absolute so don't take them as if you have to get 10/10 answers right. It will still depend on your principles. These questions, AGAIN, just aim to spark some natural principles.

Good luck! I hope and pray that you guys make the right choice. We can't take marriage for granted and not be serious in keeping it in tact "til death do us part".

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