Sunday, December 12, 2004

Love, my goodness, love!

When people are in love, they make things happen, but all sorts of things happen, too. When we fall in love for someone, we have to be ready to complicate our lives for him/her. Call it a paradox, but it's as simple as that.

To make love simple, all we have to do is SIMPLY admit whether we truly love a person on not. I somewhat believe that questions of life are all categorically answered by just "yes" and "no". The problem lies though whether we mean "yes" when we say "yes" and mean "no" when we say "no". When we say "yes" we have to mean it. When we say "no" we have to mean it. It takes maturity to be able to do this.

We will really live very complicated and "confused" lives if we are not simple with how we feel and in living based on our principles. You know what confuses us? It's our wanting to please others to the point that we compromise our principles in life.

Love cannot be compromised.

Do you really love him/her? What does your heart say? What about your mind? Is the latter still working or is it just all feelings? Are you just captivated by how the person speaks, dresses up, keeps you company? What about the person's virtues? Are you captivated by them? If you do cannot enumerate the virtues (and vices) of the other person you say you love, you cannot say that you truly know and love the person.

I don't believe in love at first sight. Philosophical you might think, but true. Love comes after knowing, not feeling or sensing. That's why courtship is there. Courtship is not a matter of wooing the person to you, but a period of getting to know the other person more, building a strong friendship. Couples are the best of friends. Or at least they ought to be the best of friends. This is why I think it is possible to marry a person within a year of knowing her. I believe that if both sides are open to each other, you can know the other person in a matter of months of going out. It's not just the "being physically close" to each other, but it's the talk that happens between the two.

Love cannot be a matter of sight.

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